Wednesday, 21 September 2011

I Feel Really Sorry For Makeup Companies

Though I think it would be fantastic to work with makeup all day, I do feel a bit sorry for makeup companies.

With so much competition out there and every product more desirable than the last, it must be a Herculean task to make their products something that beauty writers sit up and take notice of.

How many brown or blue eye shadows is it possible to create after all? There are many shades of blue and brown, of course and various textures but nothing truly new.

I guess, it nearly always boils down to the packaging and that is where companies can really go to town and make us get out our wallets for something that is really not that much different inside.

Just look at this eye shadow from Rimmel of London

Beautiful isn't it?

But what would you do with it? I'd actually be tempted never to use it and just to have it in my makeup bag so I could admire the thing every day.

There you go, packaging that's the key.

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